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ESG in Practice - Workshop

Risk Management
Starting Soon
17 Hours
€ 550.00

Double Materiality & ESG reporting Workshop

This ESG workshop will present the 3 key pillars of sustainability: environment, society, governance in a simple and practical way.  We will also examine how these affect a company's Business Plan and strategic goals (MDGs-SDGs-ESG), what standards and guidelines are in development (CSRD) and what tools are available for businesses to help them identify opportunities (materiality/double materiality) and develop the necessary ESG reports.

The seminar includes 2 workshops where participants will work on double materiality analysis and ESG report development.

New dates will be announced soon.

Antonis Spanos, Authorized EFQM international Trainer, Sustainability Expert
Dr. Thanasis Gkegas, ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Auditor/ Lead Auditor

This seminar is offered in Greek. See more in our Greek page.

  • Corporate Governance, Sustainability and Quality professionals and executives
  • ESG entry level personnel
  • Entrepreneurs 
  • Financial executives and consultants who review sustainability proposals, reports and investment proposals

See full details of this seminar in our Greek page.


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