Unlocking the Power of AI in Marketing
An AI Marketing Course to equip digital marketers and content creators with the knowledge, skills, and tools to leverage AI effectively and stay ahead in the ever-evolving field of content marketing.
Harness the potential of AI to create more effective, data-driven, and engaging content. This intensive 15-hour seminar provides you with an AI toolbox and configuring tools for specific marketing functions such as: design advanced workflows and automation, use AI for SEO optimization, content creation, email marketing, and even custom GPT models to accommodate your organization’s knowledge base.Learn from practical examples and hands-on experience, and gain actionable insights and the ability to apply AI-powered content strategies in real-world scenarios.
New dates will be announced soon!
- Marketing professionals
- Content editors and content creators who want to make their content perform
- Graduates of Digital Marketing Certificates or Diplomas who want to deepen their knowledge in Content Marketing
- To marketers who want to become content specialists
- Startuppers who want to create content for their products
- Journalists who want to get involved in Content Marketing
By the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Understand the fundamentals of AI and its applications in content marketing.
- Identify opportunities to integrate AI-driven tools and techniques into their content marketing strategy.
- Create highly personalized and targeted content using AI-powered data analysis, with practical examples provided.
- Improve content performance through AI-enhanced SEO and content optimization, demonstrated through real cases.
- Develop a clear understanding of ethical considerations in AI-powered content creation, with real-world ethical dilemmas discussed.
- Gain hands-on experience with AI tools and platforms for content marketing, with step-by-step practical exercises.
- Measure and analyze the impact of AI on content marketing ROI, using real data and ROI calculations.
- Stay updated on the latest trends and developments in AI and content marketing, with practical applications in mind.
Introduction to AI in Content Marketing
- What is AI and how it is applied in content marketing
- Basic AI technologies for content marketers
- What to expect, and what not to expect, from the use of AI in content production and distribution.
The AI mindset
- Get the mindset that will help you leverage AI effectively.
- Learn to leverage AI - and don't be afraid of it!
- Recognize new opportunities that open up with the use of AI
- Learn to set the right goals and expectations
Build your AI toolbox
- Learn the AI tools you'll need, their costs and how to use them
- Build your AI workspace for maximum productivity
- Learn how to configure each AI tool to make it really useful and give you the results you need
- Use the right AI tool for the right purpose
Case studies
Use the right AI tools to get the right results fast. Learn the right way to:
- make presentations quickly
- Produce content for your website
- create content for your products, e.g. product descriptions
- create content for Social Media
- create long form content (ebooks, long articles)
- reuse content (content repurposing) e.g. create an article from a video
- manage data
- create SEO optimized articles
- use AI in email marketing
Create your own GPT model
- Create custom gpt based on your company's knowledge base
- Case studies using custom gpt e.g. for onboarding new colleagues
- Use ChatGPT automations and AI assistants of Open AI
Automate workflows
- Combine MAKE with ChatGpt to answer your emails
- Build a workflow that answers Facebook or Instagram questions
- Create automations that will post to LinkedIn instead of you
- Additional automations depending on the needs of each group of participants
What our participants say
Ότι πιο άμεσα εφαρμόσιμο έχω παρακολουθήσει σε AI Webinars - Workshops. Και έχω παρακολουθήσει αρκετά...Μπράβο στην amazing team σας! Σοφία Αργυριάδου - Web Developer & Marketing Specialist, Enaevents
Η αλήθεια είναι ότι γι ακόμη μια φορά η πυκνότητα και η ποιότητα της πληροφορίας που μας μεταδίδετε με αφηνει speechless!!!! Πραγματικά ένα μεγάλο ΜΠΡΑΒΟ για τη δουλειά που έχετε κάνει!!! Αντώνης Παππάς - Founcer, CEO, Imagination Travel
Σε αυτό το cource η γνώση των εργαλείων συνδυάζεται με την στρατηγική που χρειάζεται ώστε να πάρουμε το μέγιστο αποτέλεσμα. Ως συνήθως σπουδαία δουλειά από την ομάδα του Growth Hacking Academy! Κωνσταντίνος Γερονικολόπουλος - General Manager, Global Touch
Eξαιρετικό course. Μας δίνει τα εργαλεία και πληροφόρηση για τη χρήση τους και την αξιοποίηση τους με παραδείγματα και εφαρμογές. Πήρα ακριβώς την πληροφόρηση που χρειάζομαι αυτή την περίοδο. Με το υλικό που μας δόθηκε, έχουμε τη δυνατότητα να εξερευνήσουμε αργότερα τις εφαρμογές και τις δυνατότητες που μας προσφέρουν και να επιλέξουμε αυτές που μας είναι χρήσιμες. Με χαρά θα παρακολουθήσω το ίδιο course σε ένα χρόνο από τώρα για να δω τις εξελίξεις που θα έχετε ενσωματώσει. Άντζελα Τζίφα - Deputy Director, Greek National Tourism Organisation Benelux Office
Ευχαριστώ για όλη αυτή τη συμπυκνωμένη και too the point γνώση! Εντάξει, λίγο έκαψα εγκεφαλικά κύτταρα στο τέλος, αλλά ανυπομονώ να αξιοποιήσω όλα αυτά τα εργαλεία για την παραγωγή περιεχομένου. Όλγα Πιτσάρη - Co Founder & Managing Director at BOLDOT.
Συνολικά πολύ καλή εντύπωση μου άφησε το σεμινάριο, περιλάμβανε ολοκληρωμένη εφαρμογή των ΑΙ συστημάτων τόσο σε θέματα marketing, όσο και σε θέματα management. Time saver, καθώς είδαμε πράγματα που αν τα έψαχνες μόνος σου θα σου έπαιρνε πάρα πολύ χρόνο να τα φτάσεις στο σημείο που παρουσιάστηκαν. Μπορείς να δουλέψεις απευθείας με τα εργαλεία σε ένα πολύ καλό επίπεδο από την επόμενη μέρα. Βιργινία Γκεβεντζέ - Digital Marketing Manager, Loop Media
This seminar is offered in association with:
GrowthRocks is an international Growth Hacking Marketing Agency based in UK, that helps startups and well-established companies achieve rapid and sustainable growth through data-driven decisions and customer behavioral patterns by leveraging cutting-edge technology.Their expertise is in the analysis, creation of a growth strategy and implementation across all digital marketing areas such as: Landing Pages and Websites, Onboarding procedures, Social Networks, A/B Testing, Content Marketing, Marketing Funnels and Email Marketing.
You can register, or have your employer register you up to two days before the start date of the program if there are still available places.
Add the program to the shopping basket. The first time you place an order you need to register. For company registrations please check the box “I am booking on behalf of my company”.
Then, fill out your personal details and select an invoice or receipt to be issued.
Then, pay the tuition fee. Payment is available by:
a) debit, prepaid, or credit card (interest-free installments will be visible if available),
b) Bank payment ID, that you can use to pay at the bank or via ebanking. The full fee must be paid upon registration, or
c) IRIS and direct debiting your bank account.
Please note that once you successfully place your order you will receive an automated confirmation message. This does not mean that your registration is complete. Your place is reserved once you pay the relevant tuition fee. When payment is recorded in the system, we will contact you to confirm your registration. Employers who enroll 3 or more employees in the program receive a 10% discount on the total amount of fees. This discount is visible in the shopping cart.
Invoices are issued within 10 days after the completion of the seminar. No installments are available.
To learn more about group offerings, contact us at 210-3680911, training@hau.gr
All participants must pay the seminar registration fee prior the event starts.
In case of cancellation or non-attendance, unfortunately, the registration fees are not refundable.
If you change your plans and must cancel your registration, kindly ensure that you do this no later than February 2. In this case, you will be refunded the full amount. Unfortunately, if cancellations are made after February 2, we are unable to issue refunds, as registrations will incur costs regardless of your attendance, however we would gladly welcome a replacement attendee in your place.
Additionally, if you are unable to attend the entire seminar for any reason, we are unable to adjust or refund your registration fees.
Zoom is a web-based video conferencing tool, compatible with Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android, that allows users to meet and attend classes online. You can use Zoom from your PC or laptop, but also from your iPad or smartphone. You will have to download Zoom to one of your devices to be able to attend this program. We will send you a step-by-step guide once you register. If you use your PC or laptop you will also need a webcam, microphone, and speaker. Most computers have a microphone and speaker, but you can also use a headset with a microphone for better sound quality.