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Core Courses

This course aims at the A1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and is part of the overall program of Greek courses that Hellenic American Union offers. It includes reading, writing, listening and speaking components that draw on new trends in educational technology and language teaching. 

At this level, students are typically expected to be able to:

  • introduce themselves and other people, communicate in simple terms about themselves, their family and things that belong to them,
  • understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and express specific needs in a simple way,
  • talk in simple terms about issues of immediate need.

This course provides practice in listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary.

  • Some of the topics covered are introductions, roots/origin, family, professions, shopping, houses, furniture, food, ordering, description of people, etc. 
  • The listening component consists of listening to excerpts at a relatively slow speech rate - from everyday/routine interpersonal conversations, etc.
  • The speaking component typically consists of exchanging information about oneself and other people, asking and answering simple questions related to familiar topics, introducing oneself and other people, as well as using basic expressions of greeting, ordering, etc.
  • The reading component mainly consists of recognizing the letters of the alphabet and reading simple texts to gather specific information.
  • The writing component consists of writing simple, individual and short sentences in order to describe and exchange information on familiar topics, producing simple texts (e.g., short paragraphs), in a friendly style etc.
  • The grammar component consists of the use of the definite and indefinite article, the basic verb tenses, the adverbs, the possessive adjectives, the pronouns etc.
  • The vocabulary component consists of high-frequency vocabulary used in everyday/routine activities and social events.
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  • Remedial Lessons
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