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Participation of the Hellenic American Union in the 3rd phase of the European Commission's ESCO pilot project

The Hellenic American Union participates in the third phase of the ESCO pilot project, initiated by the European Commission, that connects the learning outcomes of qualifications to the ESCO classification. The project will run from January to May 2022 and HAU contributes with its expertise to the goals of the project on a voluntary basis free of charge.

ESCO is the multilingual European classification of skills/competences, qualifications, and occupations. The ESCO classification describes and categorizes the competencies, qualifications, and occupations relevant to the labour market and education and training in the EU.

The pilot project builds on the previous phases that provided important indications on the effectiveness of using a mix of automation and human intervention for this purpose. The current phase aims to:

  • Improve the technology supporting the automated linking through the implementation of a suggestion engine that consists of three matching algorithms based on artificial intelligence;
  • Test the automated linking and the performance of the matching algorithms in different EU languages;
  • Support the publication of information on skills relating to national qualifications in Europass.

More information about ESCO is available on the official webpage: ESCO - European Commission (


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