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Fun Skills 3

Fun Skills 3

Fun Skills 3

Fun Skills 3 is a fun preparation for A1 Movers and works towards the skills you need to be ready on exam day. 

Meet Sage the Squirrel, Checklist Buddy and friends, created by kids around the world, who guide and entertain you through this exciting journey, practising exam tasks and giving great tips. Checklist Buddy helps them assess their own work, and Think Big Giraffe connects learning to their world. Topic-led lessons bring everything to life with songs, Grammar fun, animations and quirky photos! The Home Booklet provides extra skills practice, 'Fun boost' activities to share with the family and fun stories featuring the characters.

Key Features:
  • Skills-based, topic-led lessons focus on reading, writing, speaking and listening.
  • Combined with tasks designed to draw out critical and creative thinking, collaboration and communication.
  • Student’s Book and Home Book with Online Activities

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