Deep dive into Javascript - enrich your web development skills with JavaScript.
The Javascript Masterclass is a 30-hour workshop designed to teach you Javascript, one of the most popular programming languages. It is conducted in collaboration with experienced developers and software tester specialists, and members of the Ministry of Testing Athens, the world's leading professional network of software testers.
Through JavaScript Masterclass you will gain knowledge and skills of JavaScript programming to create websites with complex functions such as forms, animations, user feedback. The course presents complex programming features such as working with HTML & CSS, complex frameworks and libraries, functions, classes, conditional statement, loops, interactive elements, events, DOM manipulation etc.
Emphasis is given on hands-on projects starting from basic concepts for those who are beginners until you can implement "vanilla" JavaScript (without other libraries or frameworks) projects on your own, in a browser. Watching tutorials and videos showing how to write code might be useful but still lacks the elements of practice. This workshop will help you to write code yourself and together with the presenter you discover strategies that will help you overcome obstacles and complete Projects quickly.
The program runs for 8 weeks, held Mondays and Wednesdays, 6 to 8 p.m. live online via Zoom. Some sessions will be held at Hellenic American Union labs (22 Massalias Street, Athens), while those who cannot make it through will still be able to attend the live sessions live online via Zoom.
The program awards a 30-hour Hellenic American Union Certificate of Completion.
Call us at 210-3680911 for more information, or contact
Ministry of Testing Athens (MOTA) is a highly active network of scientists and IT professionals specializing in Software Testing. JavaScript Masterclass presenters are active members of MoT Athens with extensive experience in software development projects & software testing projects.
Special fees apply for MOTA members. Calls us at 210-3680911 for more information.
- It is the most widely used programming language for creating dynamic websites with complex user interfaces. However, it can also be used in a variety of other applications such as mobile app development, games, desktop applications, etc.
- It is a cross-platform programming language that can work on any operating system or browser.
- It is easy to use and easy to learn. It executes more easily than other languages and helps the programmer easily find errors in the code.
- It helps programmers get started with data science and machine learning.
- It is the programming language, which along with Python, should not be missing from the arsenal of a properly informed developer.
- There is an international network where developers can find help and advice
Why learn JavaScript at the Hellenic American Union
- Our 30-hour program is a super-intensive hands-on workshop with many small and larger projects and with the assistance of the instructor, you can quickly master the language and program with ease.
- The instructors are experienced developers and members of the international network Ministry of Testing Athens with extensive experience in trainings and software projects.
- You will learn how to write a code from the beginning and not just watch videos on how others write code.
- You will start from the basics and learn up to advanced JavaScript features
- You will gain access to the Ministry of Testing Athens and the Hellenic American Union network of professionals and member-organizations.
- How JavaScript language works, its basic principles and its basic elements such as variables, data types, operators etc
- How to write JavaScript code with ease
- How to create complete interactive web pages with forms, animations and user feedback
- How to use JavaScript with HTML and CSS
- How to start working with more complex framewords and libraries
- Control flow with conditional statements and loops
- How to work with functions and classes to organize code and improve reusability
- How to build interactive elements with events and DOM manipulation
- How to use the latest JavaScript features
- Those who want to learn JavaScript from scratch up to an advanced level, without previous knowledge of the language
- Students, scientists, IT and computer technicians who want to deepen their knowledge of JavaScript
- Developers, programmers with knowledge of other languages who want to learn JavaScript in depth
- Developers & SEO experts who want to add complex functionality to the websites they develop
- Ministry of Testing Athens members and associates (special fees apply for MOTA members)
Laptop/pc with text editor and browser. It is also recommended to have specific software installed - students will be given clarifications, such as:
• Node.js - is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. We will use the latest LTS version.
• npm - is the official Nodejs Package Manager (npm) which allows us to manage our dependencies and packages. It is automatically installed with nodejs, so you don't have to install it separately.
• git / github account - is a version control system for source code and Github is a community site that allows easy creation and collaboration on git projects.
• History
• Setup
• Course details
• Data Types
• Variables
• Strings
• Numbers
• Arrays
• Object literals
• Dates and Regular expressions
• If statements / Comparison and logical operators
• Else-if and switch statement
• Functions
• More Array methods
• Loops
• Hands-on exercises and projects
DOM manipulation and events
• Intro
• Window
• Document
• DOM Selectors
• Traversing the DOM
• Creating elements
• Replace and removing elements
• Add-remove attributes
• Callbacks
• Events
• Mouse events
• Input events
• Form events
• Keyboard events
• Event Bubbling and delegation
• Hands-on exercises and projects
OOP and JS
• Objects
• More objects
• Constructors
• Prototype
• Prototypal inheritance
• Classes
• Subclasses
• Hands-on exercises and projects
Asynchronous JavaScript, Ajax & Fetch API
• Intro
• Promises
• More Promises
• Fetch API
• Async / await
• Weather forecast
• Hands-on exercises and projects
Going to production
• npm
• Build systems
• ES6
• npm (node package manager)
• debugging
Extra 1 - jQuery
• Basics
• Traversing and manipulation
• Events and event delegation
• Effects
• jQuery plugins
Extra 2 - Node platform
• JS on the server
• Basics
• Server-side scripting
You can register, or have your employer register you up to two days before the start date of the program if there are still available places.
Add the program to the shopping basket. The first time you place an order you need to register. For company registrations please check the box “I am booking on behalf of my company”.
Then, fill out your personal details and select an invoice or receipt to be issued.
Then, pay the tuition fee. Payment is available by:
a) debit, prepaid, or credit card (interest-free installments will be visible if available),
b) Bank payment ID, that you can use to pay at the bank or via ebanking. The full fee must be paid upon registration, or
c) IRIS and direct debiting your bank account.
Please note that once you successfully place your order you will receive an automated confirmation message. This does not mean that your registration is complete. Your place is reserved once you pay the relevant tuition fee. When payment is recorded in the system, we will contact you to confirm your registration. No installments are available.
Invoices are issued within 10 days after the completion of the seminar.
Special fees apply for MOTA members and for group offerings, contact us at 210-3680911,
Giannis (John) Tsevdos is a senior software engineer (front end), with more than 18+ years of experience in software engineering and web development, currently employed at Orfium, a company specializi ...
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