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Giannis Tsevdos

Software Engineer, Consultant and Software Development Instructor

Giannis (John) Tsevdos is a senior software engineer (front end), with more than 18+ years of experience in software engineering and web development, currently employed at Orfium, a company specializing in music rights management and monetization solutions. As a software engineer John specializes in creating usable, elegant and effective web applications. John has over 15 years of experience in front-end technologies and loves working with TypeScript and JavaScript. He has a Master of Science (MSc) specializing in "Internet Applications Development" from London Metropolitan University.

For the past 7 years, he has built web applications using React and a variety of frameworks including Next.js and Astro, as well as state management tools such as Redux, Recoil and Zustand . He has also extensive experience in utilizing many libraries from the React ecosystem, including React Router, React Query, Styled-Components and Emotion.js , React Hook Form , React i18n , Ant Design , Material UI , Reactstrap , and many more. John is always passionate in improving his knowledge and skills by learning Rust and exploring functional and reactive programming with languages and libraries like Elm , Ramda.js , and RxJS . Finally, he has hands-on experience with several other JavaScript frameworks and libraries, including Vue.js , Angular , Svelte , Backbone.js , jQuery , Underscore and Lodash , axios , date-fns , and more. John loves working with Node.js , Next.js , express , and express-like frameworks. He is very familiar with PHP , Ruby (and Rails ) as well as several SQL and NoSQL databases such as MongoDB , PostgreSQL , MySQL and more. Additionally, he is a big fan of Linux OS (currently using Ubuntu ), Git , agile methodologies and always trying to do as much of TDD (Test-Driven Development) as possible.

He has worked in large and smaller companies in the field, while for the last 7 years he has also been actively involved in training and consulting mainly in languages and technologies related to JavaScript, TypeScript, React and serverless. John is a highly motivational tech meetups and events contributor and an active member of the Ministry of Testing Athens, the well-known international community of software testers. John has developed the syllabus and teaches the JavaScript και React Masterclasses of the Hellenic American Union.

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