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B2 First (FCE) for Schools

Multiple exam administrations

B2 First (FCE) for Schools is a Cambridge Assessment English Qualification targeted at upper-intermediate level of the CEFR (B2 level). It is made up of four parts and designed to prove that students can successfully use English language in the real world. B2 First (FCE) for Schools is officially recognized by universities, employers, and governments around the world.

B2 First (FCE) for Schools is an in-depth exam designed by Cambridge Assessment English— an exam board of Cambridge Assessment department of the University of Cambridge, with more than 60 years of experience and expertise in developing and delivering exams to over 5.5 million learners in more than 130 countries.

In 2012, Cambridge Assessment English authorized the Hellenic American Union as one of the official exam centres for B2 First (FCE) for Schools examination in Greece.

B2 First (FCE) for Schools is an internationally recognized exam opening doors to several universities, employers and governments around the world as proof of upper-intermediate level on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). It is also officially recognized in Greece by the state (ASEP/Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection), as follows:

Level of recognition

Overall score








B2 First (FCE) for Schools certificates are valid for life and do not expire. Some institutions, however, such as universities, colleges and employers accept certificates taken recently-usually within 2 to 3 years-to check if candidateslanguage skills have been used and maintained. Certificate holders should always check the requirements of the organization of their choice. 


Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes

Number of parts: 7 parts

(Candidates write their answers in the answer sheet using pencil)

Number of questions: 52 questions in total

Marks: 40% of total


Part 1 (8 questions -1 mark for each correct answer)

A text in which there are eight missing words or phrases (gaps). Four possible answers for each gap are provided and candidates have to choose the answer that best fits each gap (A, B, C or D).

Part 2 (8 questions -1 mark for each correct answer)

A text in which there are eight gaps. Candidates have to think of only one word that best fits each gap.

Part 3 (8 questions -1 mark for each correct answer)

A text in which there are eight gaps. At the end of each line, there is a given word/stem word that needs to be formed correctly to better complete the sentence.

Part 4 (6 questions - up to 2 marks for each correct answer)

Six sentences are given followed by a key word. Candidates have to use the keyword to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. For each gap two to five words can be used.

Part 5 (6 questions - up to 2 marks for each correct answer)

A text followed by six multiple-choice questions. Each question has four options (A, B, C or D), and candidates have to decide which is the correct answer.          

Part 6 (6 questions - up to 2 marks for each correct answer)

A text with six empty spaces (gaps). After the text there are some sentences in jumbled order that have been removed from the text. Candidates have to choose the correct sentence for each gap.           

Part 7 (10 questions - 1 mark for each correct answer)

Multiple matching questions followed by a single text or several shorter texts. Candidates have to match a given prompt to certain elements of the text(s).  


Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes

Number of parts: 2 parts

(Candidates write their answers in the answer booklet using pen)

Marks: 20% of total

Part 1

Candidates are presented with a short prompt and have to write a related essay of 140–190 words using ideas from this prompt. The essay is on a subject of general interest and candidates are expected to express their opinion and support it with reasons.

Part 2

Candidates are asked to write one of the four following questions for part 2: articleemail/letteressayreview or story of 140–190 words. From January 2024, optional set text questions are removed.


Duration: about 40 minutes, including 5 minutes’ transfer time

Number of parts: 4 parts

(Candidates write their answers in the answer sheet using pencil)

Number of questions: 30 questions

Marks: 20% of total (1 mark for each correct answer)


Part 1 (8 questions - 1 mark for each correct answer.)

A series of short, unrelated extracts of approximately 30 seconds each. Candidates have to listen to the extracts and answer one multiple-choice question for each. Each question has three options (A, B or C).

Part 2 (10 questions - 1 mark for each correct answer.)

A monologue lasting approximately 3-4 minutes. Candidates have to complete the sentences on the question paper with information they hear on the recording.       

Part 3 (5 questions - 1 mark for each correct answer)

Candidates listen to five short related monologues of approximately 30 seconds each. They have to choose which statement from a list of eight best matches what each speaker says.         

Part 4 (7 questions - 1 mark for each correct answer)

Candidates listen to an interview or an exchange between two speakers and answer seven multiple-choice questions. Each question has three options (A, B or C). The extract lasts approximately 3-4 minutes.


Duration: 14 minutes per pair of candidates

Format: 2 examiners -2-3 candidates)

Number of parts: 4 parts

Marks: 20% of total


Part 1

A brief conversation with the examiner who asks candidates about themselves, their past, present and future life plans.

Part 2

Both candidates are given a set of two photographs to talk about.

An individual long turn for each candidate followed by a brief response from the second candidate.

Part 3

A two-way conversation between the candidates who are given instructions with written prompts to be used in a discussion. The discussion involves a decision-making task.

Part 4

A discussion on a few topics related to the above collaborative task.

B2 First for Schools results are reported on the Cambridge English Scale. Although the parts are 4, candidates will receive 5 scores on their Statement of Results (Reading, Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking) which give them a clear understanding of their performance. These five scores are averaged to give them an overall result for the exam. They will also be given a grade and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) level.

For B2 First for Schools, the following scores will be used to report results:

Cambridge English Scale Score


CEFR level


Grade A



Grade B



Grade C



Level B1


Scores between 122 and 139 are also reported for B2 First for Schools. Candidates will not receive a certificate, but their Cambridge English Scale score will be shown on their Statement of Results. Scores below 122 are not reported, so candidates will not receiver a certificate nor a score for this examination.

The following factsheet can be used as a guide to help teachers and candidates understand how Cambridge English scale works. This information is better applied when using official Cambridge English practice tests.

Register online for your exams through ORFEAS, our online registration system. Find an examination center close to home from a choice of 100 locations throughout Greece and abroad, and complete your application online with your debit, pre-paid or credit card.

You will receive all the details for your upcoming exam via email in a single document that you can save, print and take with you on the day of your test. You will also be sent updates on the status of your application and useful support materials. Expect invitations to webinars for tips and strategies that will help you prepare effectively for the exam.

The ORFEAS registration system does away with print application forms and visits to the bank. Start and complete your registration online in a few simple steps. Use your home computer, tablet or smartphone to apply for your exam.

How can I apply?

Use this link to enter the ORFEAS online registration system. From there, follow the steps as suggested. Choose your exam, date and venue and then provide your personal details. In the last step you will be asked to pay with your card of choice. All the information you will need for the day of the exam will arrive in your inbox via email and SMS.

What if I have a question about the procedure?

If you have any questions about the procedure, even as you complete the steps in the process, contact us on 2103680000 for assistance. We have staff available from 9 am - 7 pm on weekdays to help you complete the registration process and answer your questions.

Can I see the status of my registration after I have applied?

Once you complete your registration you will be sent updates on the status of your application. For example, any changes to the date of the examination, if these occur, will be communicated to you via email, SMS or telephone by our support team.

Cambridge English Rescoring Procedure 

Candidates who wish to have their exam rescored may do so at a fee, as follows: 

Stage 1

1. Candidates submit the appropriate Rescoring Request Form requesting a full clerical re-check of all papers of the examination they participated in.

2. Requests are sent by the Hellenic American Union Center for Examinations and Certifications to Cambridge Assessment English.

3. Candidates receive by e-mail the result upon completion of the clerical re-check procedure.

Stage 2

4. In the case that their results do not change after the full clerical re-check, candidates may submit the appropriate Rescoring Request Form requesting a re-mark of papers.

5. Requests are sent by the Hellenic American Union Center for Examinations and Certifications to Cambridge Assessment English.

6. Candidates receive by e-mail the rescoring result upon completion of the rescoring procedure.

Please note the following:

  • Dates of submission of Rescoring Request Forms vary for each examinations administration period. After these dates, no rescore requests are accepted.
  • Candidates wishing to request Stage 2 rescoring (re-mark of papers) must have completed and received their results for Stage 1 (clerical re-check), before requesting  Stage 2 rescoring.
  • Stage 2 rescoring (re-mark of papers) includes a review of the listening paper where available but does not apply to any speaking test component. 
  • Any scores resulting after rescoring at Stage 2 are final and irrevocable.
  • In the case that a rescoring request leads to a change of result, rescore fees will be refunded. 
Cambridge English Rescoring Procedure (November-December 2024)

Please find information regarding the results of the Cambridge University Press & Assessment exams here.


  • Cambridge Assessment English
Exam Date: Exam Administration: Test Centers: Registration Period:
Registration Period:


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