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Ilias Giannoulis

Lead Software Engineer in Test, Allwyn Lottery Solutions

Hlias Giannoulis is a Software Engineer in Test lead at Allwyn Lottery Solutions. With nearly 14 years in the software testing arena, he has extensively explored several industries like banking, chemicals, and the exciting world of lottery.

Previously worked at Trasys International, Intrasoft, Aegean Marine Petroleum, he specializes in mobile automation testing, where he has embraced the challenges of the ever-evolving mobile landscape and served up some complete end to end solutions. His experience in automation testing includes using tools like Selenium Eclipse with JUnit. He has a strong background in bug tracking with Jira, database management (Oracle SQL, MySQL), and mobile/web application testing. He graduated from the Technological Educational Institute of Crete, has a CCNA, an ISTQB and an MoT Advanced Certificate in Test Automation.

 When Ilias is not busy writing code and conquering bugs, he is pulling double duty as the assistant Organizer at the Ministry of Testing Athens. He aims to keep the testing world trained and up to date with current technologies and trends from experts around the world.

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