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The Assessment Board for Language Examinations (ABLE B2) is a standardized 4-skill test at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR B2). It is a secure exam developed by the Hellenic American University and administered by authorized test centers worldwide.

The ABLE B2 is a standardized examination designed for candidates who wish to obtain certification of their competency in English as a second or other language at an intermediate level. ABLE B2 is aimed at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CERF).

The ABLE B2 examination is developed and scored by the Hellenic American University, a non-profit institution of higher education chartered in the state of New Hampshire, USA, in accordance with best practices in language assessment.

All parts of the examination are written following specific guidelines and test specification. Items are pretested to ensure the validity and reliability of the examination. Care is taken that the tests are fair and accessible to all candidates.

The ABLE B2 examination tests communicative competence in all four language skills –reading, writing, listening, and speaking – and includes tasks which test grammatical resources. As vocabulary is tested through all tasks in all sections, there is no separate vocabulary section.

The ABLE B2 is officially recognized in Greece by the state (Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection) as a B2 level certification of English language competence. The ABLE B2 certificate can also be used for obtaining employment in the private sector and for further studies that require language competence certification of this level.

Listening (30 items)

Part 1 (10 items): Ten short dialogues heard twice with one question per dialogue. Candidates choose the correct answer choice from three short written options. 

Part 2 (10 items): One dialogue heard twice, with ten interview questions. Candidates choose the correct answer choice from five short written options in order to complete a questionnaire.

Part 3 (5 items): One dialogue heard twice, accompanied by five questions. Candidates use the information they hear to choose the correct answer choice from three short written options. 

Part 4 (5 items): One monologue heard twice, accompanied by five questions. Candidates use the information they hear to choose the correct answer choice from three short written options.

Listening section duration: 45 min. (approx.)

Candidates are given extra time (5 minutes) to transfer answers onto the answer sheet.

Reading & Use of Language (5 tasks) (50 items)

Task 1 (15 items):  Candidates read fifteen short sentences, six of which contain errors. Candidates decide which sentences are grammatically correct and which are incorrect.

Task 2 (10 items): Two short cloze texts each with five gaps. Candidates complete each gap in the cloze texts by choosing from four possible answer choices.

Task 3 (10 items): Candidates match ten items with five short Internet texts about a topic.

Task 4 (8 items): Candidates read four short reviews and answer eight multiple-choice questions, each with four answer choices.

Task 5 (7 items): Candidates read one text comprising six paragraphs. The text describes either a process or cause and effect or advantages and disadvantages. Candidates choose the correct option from four answer choices.

GVR section duration: 75 min.

Writing (1 task)

Candidates choose one from a choice of two possible tasks. Both tasks comprise an email. Candidates choose either to provide a description or to give advice and should write about a page. Prompts to help the candidates are given.

Length requirement: about 1 A4 page. Candidates can take notes (make an outline, etc.). Candidates must use pencil in this section.

Writing section duration: 40 min.

Speaking (3 tasks)

Test Format: 1 examiner and 1 candidate

Task 1: Warm Up: Candidates answer non-sensitive, personal questions

Task 2: Information gap activity: Candidates are expected to understand and provide information to the examiner in an information gap activity.

Task 3: Topic questions: Candidates answer general questions on the topic.

Speaking section duration: 8 min. (approx..)

All ABLE B2 candidates, whether registered individually or through language schools, can take the exam for a fee of €175. If candidates do not pass, they are entitled to one free retake within one year, at no additional charge. 

Any Language Schools who wish, may register their students for the ABLE B2 exam at no cost. However, students registered this way are not eligible for a free retake if they do not pass. Successful candidates can obtain their certificates for a fee of €175 within 30 calendar days of the results announcement. After this period, certificates will be available for a fee of €265.

Register online for your exams through ORFEAS, our online registration system. Find an examination center close to home from a choice of 100 locations throughout Greece and abroad, and complete your application online with your debit, pre-paid or credit card.

You will receive all the details for your upcoming exam via email in a single document that you can save, print and take with you on the day of your test. You will also be sent updates on the status of your application and useful support materials. Expect invitations to webinars for tips and strategies that will help you prepare effectively for the exam.

The ORFEAS registration system does away with print application forms and visits to the bank. Start and complete your registration online in a few simple steps. Use your home computer, tablet or smartphone to apply for your exam.

The Listening and Reading & Use of Language sections are scored by computer and the application of specialized software, using the principles of Item Response Theory.

Using scales and procedures established by Hellenic American University, the Writing section is scored by two independent raters. In the case of significant difference between the scores of the two raters, a third rater is called to determine the final score. The raters have been trained and certified according to Hellenic American University standards.

The Speaking section is scored using scales and procedures established by Hellenic American University. The oral examiners have been trained and certified according to Hellenic American University standards. All tests are recorded.

For each section, raw scores are converted into scaled scores ranging from 0 to 100.

Scaled scores allow each administration of the examination to be equated, ensuring that the ability required to pass or to achieve a high score remains the same from one administration to the next.

Listening and Reading & Use of Language sections

For the Listening and Reading & Use of Language sections, scaled scores are a product of the ability of each candidate and the difficulty of each item in these sections.

To pass either of these sections, candidates must have a scaled score of at least 55 out of 100 for that section.

Writing section

The Writing section is scored out of a total of 15 marks. There are three criteria: Task Completion, Organization, and Linguistic Resources. Each criterion provides between one and five marks. Candidates who receive a total of eight or more marks are awarded a Pass for this section of the test.

To pass this section, candidates must have a scaled score of at least 55 out of 100 for that section.

Speaking section

The Speaking section is scored out of a total of 15 marks. There are three criteria: Task Completion, Fluency and Interaction, and Linguistic Resources. Each criterion provides between one and five marks. Candidates who receive a total of eight or more marks are awarded a Pass for this section of the test.

To pass this section, candidates must have a scaled score of at least 55 out of 100 for that section.

Cut scores

The cut scores for each section of the ABLE B2 examination have been determined through standard setting procedures, as laid out in the Council of Europe manual: ‘Relating Language Examinations to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR): A Manual’ (2009).

Candidates who achieve an averaged total scaled score of at least 55 out of a possible 100 are awarded an ABLE B2 certificate.

The ABLE B2 Certificate is valid for the holder’s lifetime.


Exam results are made available through Orfeas approximately six weeks after the completion of the exam period.

Language schools and individual candidates can access their results by logging into their accounts on Orfeas.

Candidates who wish to access their results but did not register as individuals through Orfeas should "Register" as new users after 2:00 PM on the day following the announcement of the results. From the menu, they should select the "Exam Results" field and fill in the required information to gain access to their score reports.

Results and Certificates Services

Discover our available results and certificates services. Learn how you can request, among other things, the rescoring of your test, the notarization of a copy of a certificate, and the issuance of a certification of loss of a certificate.

How can I apply?

Use this link to enter the ORFEAS online registration system. From there, follow the steps as suggested. Choose your exam, date and venue and then provide your personal details. In the last step you will be asked to pay with your card of choice. All the information you will need for the day of the exam will arrive in your inbox via email and SMS.

What if I have a question about the procedure?

If you have any questions about the procedure, even as you complete the steps in the process, contact us on 2103680000 for assistance. We have staff available from 9 am - 7 pm on weekdays to help you complete the registration process and answer your questions.

Can I see the status of my registration after I have applied?

Once you complete your registration you will be sent updates on the status of your application. For example, any changes to the date of the examination, if these occur, will be communicated to you via email, SMS or telephone by our support team.

Exam results are made available through Orfeas approximately six weeks after the completion of the exam period.

Language schools and individual candidates can access their results by logging into their accounts on Orfeas.

Candidates who wish to access their results but did not register as individuals through Orfeas should "Register" as new users after 2:00 PM on the day following the announcement of the results. From the menu, they should select the "Exam Results" field and fill in the required information to gain access to their score reports.


  • Hellenic American University
Exam Date: Exam Administration: Test Centers: Registration Period:
Registration Period:


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