Hellenic American Union Ελληνοαμερικανική Ένωση
Welcome! Where language proficiency and life-long learning meet global excellence. We're your premier destination for world-class language assessments, English and Modern Greek language courses, professional development seminars, and cultural. Join us in our mission to empower individuals and society through language, learning and culture.
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Founded in 1957, the Hellenic American Union is a public-service, educational and cultural institution with an international focus and strong community commitment. We partner with the best to provide people with exceptional, proven opportunities for personal and professional development, whatever their background.
The Hellenic American Union has been a leader in designing and delivering life-long learning programs for generations of Greek and international audiences. Discover our language-learning and exam-preparation programs for English and Greek.Exams
Since 1957, the Hellenic American Union has administered open, fair, and secure language examinations to more than two million candidates throughout Greece and the broader region.Awards & Distinctions:
The Hellenic American Union foreign language and teacher training programs are accredited by the ΕΣΥΔ & the ISO.